Have you ever found yourself facing a crisis or tragic event that challenged your faith? Do you need encouragement to stand on God’s word when circumstances do not align with what God has said? Did you really hear from God? What if things get worse after you declare God’s word?
I just want to share my story as a mother, and hopefully give someone else some insight, encouragement, and inspiration that if they do find themselves in a crisis situation, they are not alone. My mission is to honor God, to inspire others, and to provide some tangible tools to the readers who might find themselves in similar situations.

If a word from God is all you have, you have all you need. God is faithful and He keeps his promises.

For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance.
1 Thessalonians 1:5
When you are in a crisis situation, a lot of what you know sometimes just goes out the window because you are trying to process all that you are going through, even if you have been walking with the Lord a long time.
In these pages readers will see the benefits and challenges associated with standing firm when God reveals his will to them before it manifests in the natural. I want mothers and fathers who share crisis experiences with their children to know that they are never alone, and that there is hope on the other side of tragedy. Come along with me as I testify to the power of prayer and trusting in God’s word.